Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas Day

If anyone heard me on the air Wednesday must have thought, "girl go home and get some rest!" I tried to do that...but Ewe number 0001 decided to have her lamb, which made me miss church and THEN she didn't lamb till after 9 anyways. With a bit of help from me she had a 15# ram lamb. He looks 2 weeks old. Needless to say it was a nice Christmas present.

Christmas Day was spent doing stuff for me. I slept and Lilly (the dog) was happy because she got the foot of the bed and Tigger (the cat) got Mike's pillow! I went last night to Dave and Sonya's for an OUTSTANDING steak fry! It was a lot of fun and thanks again for inviting me.

A friend of mine sent me this picture and I felt the need to share it with you. Though today it got to 54 I just love this picture. It's from a Christmas card in the UK. Would love to have that picture as a print for Mike.
Well I am on the air on KZ-100. Better head back to the studio. This weekend, since the kids are not home...I am cleaning-including going through dresser's and pulling out small clothes.
Have a great weekend:)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

A must watch!

Stop on this Christmas Eve to watch this video...

Merry Christmas to all

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Ten Commandments: Minnesota Style

1. Der's only one God, ya know.
2. Don't make that fish on your mantle an idol.
3. Cussing ain't Minnesota nice.
4. Go to church even when you're up nort.
5. Honor your folks.
6. Don't kill. Catch and release.
7. There is only one Lena for every Ole. No cheatin'.
8. If it ain't your lutefisk, don't take it.
9. Don't be braggin' about how much snow ya shoveled.
10. Keep your mind off your neighbor's hotdish.

Saw this on a t-shirt at the Mpls airport...thought about getting one. Thanks Larry for sharing it with me:)



I couldn't think of a better title...FRIENDS! I have some wonderful ones out there. First to Leah and Tom CONGRATS. Good job Tom and catching her off guard with the wedding proposal:) Leah I could tell by your typing this morning you are VERY excited, as you should be. He is a catch and I love how he treats you like a queen, while still letting you do the things you need to do.

Renee, thanks for picking me up at the airport yesterday. It was the adventure coming home when the snow started to blow, but at least we had ICE CREAM. To my sister-in-law, Karalyn thank you for bringing me to the airport, you are an awesome SIL. Have fun with the rugrats.

Malcom, Brenda & Sarah, thank you for the wonderful gifts for the kids, I know they had fun while you were there. I was glad to get to spend some time with you on Sunday. Malcom...Paul told me he will not toss the ball in the house again. GOOD JOB!

Now to Dave, words can not express what you did yesterday. THANK YOU! Let me explain. I got home to find no water in the house. I called Mike and he told me how to fix it. When I called Dave to let him know I was home and thanks for his help doing chores this weekend, I told him we had a new lamb and NO water. He came right over and helped. I owe you a beer or two! I am working late all week and Dave offered to check on the sheep and water etc in the daylight so I don't have to try to do chores in the dark. That's what I love about our community. Everyone jumps in to help whenever needed.

Mike & the kids are in Wisconsin till the 31st. It was a fast weekend for me, but I am so glad I got to go back. Kids, if your reading this, don't wear your Grandpa down. He needs his rest. This year was all about tradition for my Mother-in-Law and I was fine with that. Can't wait to see the family pictures. A lot of great memories were made this weekend.

As for me home at Christmas, I will be fine. I have 9 Christmas movies from the Hallmark Channel to catch up on and a big pot of split pea soup to eat...all to myself!! (okay no one in my family likes it)

If I don't write before Christmas...the cards ARE ready to go out and I wish you all a Very MERRY CHRISTMAS...


Tuesday, December 9, 2008


Okay I am not sure what has happend to the month of November let alone it be the 9th of December! I was in KC for our National Association of Farm Broadcasting convention in Mid November. I received an award for my story on Ethanol and saving the consumer money at the pump and also 1st place for my market cast. That was a shock and I was proud that I could deliver top notch markets to the producers who need them on an hourly basis.

We went back to Wisconsin for deer hunting and Thanksgiving. I am waiting for Danny to send me pics of Mike's big buck. When I get them I will post them for all to see. We had a nice time at home and had a chance to catch up. The picture I have posted is of Al Murray. He is the Chief Enginer at WRFW and a mentor and true friend. WRFW celebrated their 40th anniversary and I went back for the party. The other pic is the crew of "stick it to ya" okay back in college we all had different radio shows and this one sure was unique. Can I say that Mark, Dave and Neal? So many of us in that show and the bits we did. Dave has it on CD and soon you will find it in the bin at Kmart:P Actually it was so nice to get back and see where it all started. I mean this is where I did markets for the first time, ag news and found my love of radio.

Until we chat again...I PROMISE it won't be as long as before...hope you have fun getting ready for this Christmas Season.


Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Off to KC

Today we are off to Kansas City. The we is Michelle and I. She is a farm broadcaster from SD and one of my best friends. I look forward to the time in the car just to chat and catch up. Its been a long time since we have had the chance to talk without the interuptions of "mommy i need".

Its the annual convention of the National Association of Farm Broadcasters and its a lot of fun to get together with other broadcasters and see what we have been up to since the last time we were all together. I am bringing my camera so hope to get some good pics.

My hats off to my wonderful hubby...he has the kids this week and is juggling schedules. Also THANK you to Gina. The kids will be at her house Thurday night as Mike will be on the road shearing sheep.

Will update more...Megan hope you made it to KC okay last night...did you ever find the bleach after that bathroom stop along the way? HA HA couldn't resist...


Thursday, October 23, 2008


"LOOK MOM...we do love each other!!" I had to laugh. This was a quiet Sunday and the three of them were in the toy room, pulled out the hideabed and watched a movie. Didn't hear a single word for almost 2 hours. I will be posting a few pics on their blog yet this morning. Yesterday Morgan got 3" cut off...her hair is so cute and with its natural curl she seems to be getting it has a cute bounce to it. Bryan got his typical "combine cut" as he calls it. Very short and it looks sharp. He has called it that since he was younger than Paul. He said the combs on the clippers looked like a combine head so its been called that since then and he tell Linda he wants the combine cut and she knows just how short to cut it.
This week is going to be nuts...we have a benefit for Linda, wife of one of our firefighters, on Saturday plus Ty's Confermation dinner at 7pm. I think I might hide on Sunday. We also HAVE to get Bryan's costume finished. Not for Halloween but for All Saint's Day. He has chosen St. Florian for his Saint.

Hugs to all...Sue

Monday, October 6, 2008

I got to drive a combine!

Okay the farm kids FINALLY got to drive a combine. I have pictures to prove it. Had a blast doing it. Thanks to Mike Korth for allowing me (the rookie) to drive his brand new John Deere. If anyone needs help with combine work give me a shout:)

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Great Weekend

We had a great weekend with Mike's Mom & Dad here. It went way to fast! THANK YOU to Karalyn for picking all those apples. Two 5 gallon buckets full and I plan to freeze more tonight. Morgan is already trying to think of all the things I can make with it.

The weather is starting to cool down...fall is in the air! I love this time of year. Mike & I got my bleeding hearts planted and 4 giant mums. He laughed when a snake crossed my foot. Darn gardner snakes.

Yesterday Mike found an old wheel barrow. Never seen one like it, but we found a spot in the yard and today he was going to fill it with dirt and manure so next spring I can plant flowers and pumpkins in it. He found it out behind the barn. I have found a lot of stuff as we clean up trees. I told him get a big trailer to hall it all away. I should add that this was stuff left behind by the folks that lived here before us. We have cleaned up a lot but now its clean up of the stuff know one sees!

Check out the kids pictures are being added.


Monday, September 22, 2008

okay okay

I had to laugh, my sister Kathy and I were chatting and I said I needed a change to my background. Well she was able to do it for my site and the kids! Thanks Kat! When I looked at the blog it was like ooops I haven't updated since when???

Its been nuts around our house. I am back to the YMCA 4 days a week. I know it take 21 days to make it a habit and I know I can do it. Today the rain is coming down and its the first day of fall so my favorite season can officially start!

I have started to work on Christmas gifts... I know your thinking I am nuts, but they need to be done so why not now.

My friend Leah has left radio and is on to a new adventure, I wish her the best of luck in her next adventure. This week will be busy both at work and home. Today is the ONLY day with nothing planned...ha ha. I promised Morgan we would start working on her room. Tomorrow we have the Y for Bryan & Morgan. They have a great afterschool JAM Club. They go every Tuesday. Mike has tax class tomorrow night. Wednesday finds me at the Fire Dept for our Mutual Aide meeting. I have to talk about changes with the only viaduct in Columbus coming down and what that will mean for ambulance trips until the new one is ready. Morgan has dance also on Wednesday. Thursday is getting the house ready for company. My in-laws will be here on Friday...can't wait. It will be good for Mike to have them here. He made the comment once that he didn't know if his Dad would ever be strong enough to make the trip. Its between chemo weeks so we are all FRIDAY is Rod & Karen's anniversary.

Well better get back to some markets...
Love to all,

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

New Godson

I had to share with you Jonah Lucas. He was born August 6th to my friend Lori and her hubby Brett. He is an angel and already sleeps through most of the night. (Hope that holds true for a long time Lori!) We had so much fun as I took the boys with me and Bryan & Noah fell right in where they had left off two years ago. These two boys are 2 days apart and have been best friends since they came home from the hospital...just ask them, they will tell you!

Monday, August 18, 2008


Had a blast on Saturday at Mark & Deb's. THANK YOU for a fun evening! It was fun to sit around with friends and eat some great food and watch some great fireworks. Wouldn't expect anything less from a bunch of firefighters.

Kay & I have a pact and will hold true to it. Come October we are headed to Lincoln to shop for new clothes! I will keep everyone updated on our progress.

Here is a website that i have found and LOVE. its a dayplanner that will send you email or text reminders. Check it out.

Also have posted new pics of the kids on their site...

Friday, August 8, 2008

Cake from Beth's wedding

Mike & I did this cake for Beth. She was Bryan's first babysitter...

Friday, July 11, 2008


It's hard to believe its already Friday of the Platte County Fair. This week has gone by so fast, in part because the fair has kept us busy.Bryan is a "regular" 4-H member this year and you can see the difference as he worked on his projects. Not that he didn't care before, but as he put it you get different colored ribbons this time! Mike and the kids loaded up the broilers on Wednesday and brought them to the fair. It was a hot day and you could see the birds were stressed. Thursday they showed. Morgan also brought two ducks.

During showmanship Morgan's duck bit her finger. She came out of the show area with little marks on her finger. We told her it was so hot and the duck was nervous, but to her the duck turned on her!Bryan showed his pen of 3 broilers and received a purple. To say he was on cloud nine doesn't even cover it! He is so proud and he should be. Now from a parents prospected I think both Mike & I were grinning from ear to ear. Both Bryan & Morgan have put in countless hours working on projects and animals. I told them no matter what the ribbon they may get its the pride they should feel in finishing a project and taking it to the fair.

Today the bucket calf heads for the show ring and I hope and pray that he doesn't push Bryan around and he leads like he did at home...but then again its the fair and anything can happen. Ask Logan who stopped by our booth. He was showing his market lamb and was run over by it. I asked what he learned, while we talked on the air, and he said that when his lamb is sold on Sunday it will be a good feeling! Oh from the mouths of kids. I should mention that logan is 8 and I had the chance to watch him show and he is very good...wait till he gets older.

To all the 4-H and FFA members out there, I wish you the best of luck as you head to your county fairs and remind you what I was told when I was in both...Your project is only as good as the time you put into it, the love you show for your animal and the smile you keep on your face during good and bad times in the ring or in front of the judge.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Remember our men and women overseas...

To all:

Soon it will be the fourth of July with time off, spent with those we care about. I am writing to ask you to take 30 seconds and send a note to some people who will not be home for the fourth enjoying watermelon, and watching fireworks from the comfort of a lawn chair. I am not interested in your political persuasions, not am I interested in how you feel about the war in IRAQ, but I do care about the people who are there. Please go to and send a note to a soldier who will not be home for the fourth of July. It is easy, kids designed them (pick one) and someone else wrote the words ( if you want to use those words), or write your own. Then Click.

Thank you for reading, and thanks again for sending a note.

Happy Fourth of July, and Let true Freedom Ring

Monday, June 30, 2008

other fair picture...

Thought this had uploaded...I love this picture!

Art of rolling dough...generation...

County Fair

Our county fair starts a week from this Wednesday. Here is a few pictures I will be entering...

Please let me know what you think...

Friday, June 27, 2008

Mother's Day Gift?

Mike made it home last night from MO after attending the Sedalia Sheep sale. He was telling me about the two ewe lambs he bought and I laughed and said they were my Mother's Day gifts. I am not sure if he heard me or if he was ignoring me:P

I will have to look at them tonight when I get home. One of them was a spring ewe lamb that was a triplet, she came from SDSU. Not sure where the other one came from. She was a fall ewe lamb and a twin.

Speaking of tonight its Relay For Life Platte County. The station is a corporate sponsor and I am doing a two hour remote from 5-7pm. I am sure that this year it will feel different because I have lost my Aunt Joyce to cancer and my Father-in-Law is going through chemo right now.

Well better think about opening markets. Will beans reach $16 who knows! It will be another crazy ride...

Thursday, June 26, 2008

"What have you done with your life?"

I ran into an old college friend that I haven't seen since the mid 90's and her first comment to me is, "So, what have you done with your life?" Now if that isn't a bullet type of question.
I talked about getting the chance to speak for the greatest sector of America and that was agriculture. The look on her face said it all...she thought I was nuts. As we talked it seemed that, even though she went to an ag based college, she didn't study ag and really didn't understand where her food came from. I took the opportunity to take food prices, livestock care and of course the price of gas. It turned out to be a great conversation for both of us.

How often do we stop and think of what we do on a daily basis and how it effects more than our nearby friends and family? My hats off to you the producer who this year has dealt with more than your share of frustrations. You do what you do because on most days you love it. Feeding the world, one farmer at a time.

During our conversation Beth asked me about family. I have shared with you a picture that was taken during our daughter Morgan's Kindergarten Graduation in May. See besides working in radio, my family is my biggest accomplishment. I have 3 kids who understand that the 4-H chickens they are raising will be headed to someone's table on July 15. They know the feed that is given to their livestock was grown by a neighbor and they understand that for every new life, there is death but that is all part of the cirlce of life we live in. They make me so proud and I can't wait till July 9 and the start of the Platte County Fair to see my two oldest show their projects with such pride that I can say...YES talking about what an ag producer does everyday and seeing it through my kids eyes is all worth it...

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

If you can...please help out...

As many of you know Paul McKellips is a true friend and has a dream that far out reaches anyone's grasp on what really happens in Iraq. Please take some time to check out the website listed below and the spot on youtube.

Paul has always had the forsite to take a dream and turn it into reality. He is a strong example for so many, including myself. I think of his work with those in Iraq, his desire to increase the wealth of the smallest ag operation in Iraq. Even on his return to the states, Paul has been a shining star that should not be overlooked...

********Please read Paul's email...I feel very strong the need to share this letter with you:
To my dear farm broadcasting friends:

Last Saturday, our new charity ( presented our first college scholarship to "Diana." Diana is the 3-year old daughter of Staff Sgt. Daniel Wagoner who was killed in Iraq. I worked with Daniel in Iraq. He was an incredible young man.
Please watch Diana's Story and pass the link around.
We will NOT forget.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Journey Back to Wisconsin

The journey back home has been bitter sweet. We left our farm in Surprise for the trip back to Mike's homeplace in Wisconsin. Three kids and a weeks worth of luggage including play clothes and nice clothes packed into the minivan and off we went.

This journey would bring us through flooded fields and dry fields as we traveld from Nebraska through Iowa and Minnesota. As we got closer to Wisconsin I could feel the nervousness of Mike.

See his Dad, Rod has cancer. A strong farmer who for so many years has been not only the piller of this family but one who is on top of the latest information in no-till farming and the need for rotational grazing.

In the two months since I have seen Rod, this strong body has been taken over with the side effects of chemo and the need to sleep a lot. Its hard to explain to our three year old Paul that Grandpa can't go on walks to show him the corn growing or to explain to our 8 year old that this certain weed, if left untreated, will take over the field.

Many years ago this family farm was the highlight of research for the University of Wisconsin in growing alfalfa in corn. I remember just joining this family as I dated Mike and seeing so many people get on wagons and tour the farm.

Today, a Monday, I saw the gleam in his eye as he talked about his fields and this years crops. But that gleam was bigger as his three grandkids want to show him 4-H projects or just curl up on the bed moved into the living room for his convience.

We are here for a week to help with stuff around the farm. Yes I do miss being on the air this week, but I am enjoying spending some much needed time with my in-laws and helping to build on some memories I can help my kids recall as they get older.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Tornado touches down

It was a strange feeling, like the one you get when you know something just isn't right. That feeling hit Wednesday night as Bryan & I went to his baseball game in Gresham. The clouds were funny starting to move in directions clouds shouldn't. They got two innings in before the game was called. We made it home between rain showers and I changed right away into jeans and my fire dept. t-shirt. I told the kids to get a blanket ready for the basement. At first Mike thought I was over reacting but when they toned us out for storm spotting I told him to listen for the phone and I would call if anything was going to happen.

Mark Doehling and I went 2 miles south of Surprise and experienced the normal storm stuff, rain, high winds and hail. Well we also experienced clouds that just "didn't look right". We repositioned the Surprise 4x4 numerous times and when the hail started to come down we moved inside the truck. Yep best way to look at the clouds is to stand outside.

We were facing north on the 12e Spur when my ears started to pop. I rolled down the drivers side window to see the lines of a rotating tornado. Yep it had dropped out of the sky next to Mark & I. Major pucker factor there!! He called it in to the Sheriff's office and I attempted to drive. After the tornado moved south towards Ulysses we had hail as big as tennis balls. A lot of dents in the 4x4. One of our ambulances lost a window.

Mike called a short time later to say that there was broken windows in the house and some downed trees. As of this writing we are STILL waiting to hear from our insurance guy. I am about to call again to see if he got my message.

Mark & I spent most of the night helping Ulysses Fire Department search house to house for damge. There were down power lines, pivots and just all around damage.

Mike took the kids to Gina's Wednesday night. THANK YOU GINA. As we didn't have electricity and were worried about them being in the house. It is now Friday morning and they are still there.

Yesterday we worried about the water rising from the Big Blue River and spent the aftertnoon into evening sandbagging the Eagles Nest in Surprise.

Well Mike just came back in and we are going to see if the river has gone down. We have the creek running pretty hard through out pasture.

Yep...will post pictures later. The tool I need to do that is in my office in Columbus.

We are safe but now the clean-up begins. Its amazing how a community comes together like this one has. Gives me goose bumps.


Monday, June 2, 2008

Big Blue...

There is actually a bridge under all this water

The entrance to the park on south side of river

Big Blue River

Water all over

It is still raining today. Its been a long spring. I don't think we have gotten through a week without rain. We sit up high and we even had water in the basement this weekend. THANK YOU MIKE for the new sub-pump. Without it we would have been in a world of hurt. I am posting some pictures of the Big Blue River. When it left its banks it closed off two roads that lead to our place. My heart goes out to all the farmers that have lost crops and livestock. One producer lost almost 500 birds with the "Shell Creek" came over its banks. One producer after the tornado went through on Thursday found his 60' grian bin on top of his house.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008


Lambing season is almost done...but check out the new babies. Its been a "ok" year for lambs...if you like RAMS. We finally got a pair of ewe lambs...was starting to think this whole season would be all rams. Hard to expand on rams. They still are cute and the kids are excited about them...

what am I doing wrong?

So I signed up for the biggest looser contest at our Y. Work has been nuts BUT I have been working out on my own & keeping a food diary...well I still haven't lost anything. Told my sister I will forever be fat and ugly. I am getting very frustrated. I don't want to stop but I feel like I am looking at a 15' wall and all the fit folks are on the other side making fun of me...

Storm brews

I was out doing chores one night and was looking for new lambs ahead of a storm...I for some reason had grabbed my camera that night...look what I saw

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Being a firefighter/emt

I don't know what it is that draws me to the firefighter/EMT service, but the more I do the more I want. Almost like an addiction. The picture at left is a mock disaster I helped put together it went off without a hitch. Standing there is a deputy and the sheriff along with two of our firefighters. It was hard just to stand back and not play...BUT it was great to see how all the departments worked together. I am looking to go to a Emerg. Mgmt boot camp in August. Looks like it will be a lot of fun...


We finally have a new news director at the radio station so life will slow down just a bit for me. It's been nuts trying to do 2 jobs.

Well I signed up for the biggest looser contest at the YMCA. So far have not lost a pound:( Doesn't matter what I do our don't do...its like the weight is super glued to my body. I did stop at a sporting goods store yesterday and got a new pair of shoes, sports bra and workout clothes. Not that I needed the motivation but thought it would be a nice perk for the contest. First place is $500 but at this rate I will be last place!

Enough crabbing its been busy at home with Mike in Wisconsin. We are getting stuff done, but not as fast as I would like. Still hoping to get the trees cleaned up the county "cut" down. They took a back hoe and ripped them out and then told the land owners it was their job to clean up the mess. I didn't ask for the trees to be cut down. Heck they were not even close to the road. Oh well...I want to get it done as it looks horrible. I am going to the next town board meeting to complain about it. Since there was no notice they were going to be there in the first place.

Had a 1045 roll-over last night (car accident with injuries) I was in charge of teh 3 year old, man was she a cutie! All was well because the babysitter made sure she was properaly in her carseat.

Well better get some market stuff done...till we chat again...

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Hardest thing I have had to do...

There is nothing better than family and when things get tough, family pulls together. I have seen that first hand after my Father-in-Law Rod got sick last week. Mike & the kids drove to Wisconsin to be with him and came back on Monday morning. Yesterday we received word that Rod has cancer. I am not looking forward to us telling the kids tonight, and how much we will tell them. Thank you to Stephanie, (my media contact @ the American Cancer Society) for her help in that area. Rod is a fighter and we hope to have him around for a long time.

I was worried about Mike but so far he is taking the news moment by moment.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Will get back into writing...

So I have been horrible on writing. Hope to get in a better routine. I have also been a bit slack on working out...but that will change!! Things will get busy at work with Jason no longer employeed with the company I will be taking over the news through noon each day. It will keep me very structured, which isn't all bad, and I do thrive on all the fun of doing both farm and news!

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Going to Washington DC

There is a great program called "The Honor Flight". This program takes WWII Vets to Washington DC to see the WWII Monument. The gentleman at the left is my Grandpa Morrison. I remember so many stories he would tell about being away from home and how he had met so many people. The one thing I remember the most is he once told me the world was a wide open space and I had to look at every person I met or place I traveled as a new adventure. In part because you never know when a new door in your life will open. I am excited to get the chance to take that adventure on the 21st of May when I travel to Washington DC with a group of WWII Vets from Nebraska. This picture of my Grandpa will be going with me. He was a wonderful man who in all my memories I don't remember him complaining! Our youngest son Paul was named after him. So many things Paul does reminds me of my Grandpa and our little Paul is always running into stuff hitting his head etc. This I am told Grandpa Morrison was always doing! I do remember a lot of bandages on his hands and forhead growing up!
I miss him and so wish I would have wrote down those stories he told me growing up. I can't wait to be on a plane with the WWII Vets and introduce them to my Granpa Paul!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

How time can fly by

OKAY KATHY>>>> This last few weeks have been NUTS. I am lucky to get my station website updated:P I guess busy is always good.

So my boys, my sweet, never do anything wrong boys! Who would think a 2 and 8 year old would find SO many excuses to NOT go to bed. I think I got my exercise just going up and down the stairs! They are both excited that there are parties this weekend. First Saturday morning we will celebrate Paul's bday with Mikes family. (his bday isn't till the 12th) and he is so excited that he gets to have cake and icecream for breakfast. Okay not really, I will make him eat cereal. But Mike has to work at 10a-midnight so we will do the party early. Then Sunday its Bryan's 1st Communion. My house is almost ready. Just that last minute pickup stuff.

I am getting a new digital camera (thanks Harlan) so I will be able to post pictures. I bought his old one and Kathy says its and awesome camera as she has one like it. Well back to updating my work website and cutting up some audio for news...

Later Gator....

Monday, March 24, 2008

Withheld temptation

It could have feen SO easy to dive into the kids baskets this weekend, but I didn't. As my daugher would say, "YEA ME!" I actually ate real well this weekend. I have started to watch this program on TLC "I can make you thin" I have already picked up some great tips! With his "4 Golden Rules" This includes eating when your hungry, eating what you want, putting the fork down between bites and chewing like your a "Snooty" Frenchman and finally when your full STOP EATING. All he said are cues to your body while eating. Paul also suggested eating one meal with your eyes closed and listening to your body when its full. To step away from the "clean plate" society. I remember being told to clean your plate or else...

I found this on the front page (listed below in black). I am willing to give it a try. Heck what to I have to loose? Of course WEIGHT!!!

This system is so simple you will probably find it difficult at first to believe that it could work. That’s because you have been tricked by diets to believe that weight loss is difficult.
Some of what I am about to say will fly in the face of what you’ve done in the past and what you think is ‘right.’ You’ve tried other methods of weight loss and they didn’t work or they only worked temporarily.

It’s time to do something radically different. The exact same approach that I am about to share with you has helped thousands and thousands of people to lose weight easily and feel significantly better about themselves. Now it’s your turn. Research shows that dieting only works for 9% of people. Two independent studies have showed that my system has a success rate of over 70%.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

What's going on???

So I thought I was doing good working out...made the mistake of getting on the scale...1 stinken pound. I wanted to cry. There was a lady in the locker room and she looked at me and said, "honey...muscle weighs more and it will get better." It helped a little but man I wanted to see some results. One gal was telling me she goes to GNC and that helps her. I asked what would happen if she got of the pills and she said she never planned to. That's okay I will work it the old fashion way. Wish there was a way to get one of those folks from the Biggest Looser. hmmmm there is an idea, maybe I should get on the show! I will get there, just feeling a bit down at the moment.
Bright spot I finally remembered my ipod so will at least have some music to work out with today.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Found the missing living room:P

So I was about to send out an APB on my living room but it was found yesterday:) It seems it went MIA in the last week and now I am officially the "meanest Mom" in the whole world! Can you tell the kids were mad because I asked them to help me put clothes away. I love this one, "but we need downtime after school!" and I don't need it after work? It was clothes they were supposed to take up earlier in the week, so I confiscated the remote and as soon as they were put away (I should add it took them all of 5 minutes) Scooby Doo was back on.

I have my "TO DO" list I want to have done before Bryan's 1st Communion. Its atainable and I actually like crossing off stuff with a black marker. Bryan made the comment this morning how nice the living room looked and he said they would work hard to keep it that way! Got to love em!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


Yep that's Lisa & I at the ripe old age of what 4 or 5. I am the one with the long hair...

Sometimes you just have to have friends you can vent to...our conversation didn't start out that way but somehow we ended up down this path...

lisa: you are not ugly!
lisa: we can do this!
lisa: We need to give each other our weights once a week
me: no kidding
lisa: then we should reward ourselves with some shopping
me: I would like to be happy with my body
me: but right now I hate it
me: I hate how I look in clothes,
me: I hate how I feel
lisa: sometimes this is what motivates us
lisa: we can do it!

YES WE CAN!!!!!!!

That is Lisa. I have known her since, well she was born:) Our Mom's our best friends and I can't imagine my life without her in it. If my memory serves me right...I was a couple months old when she was born and we were put in the same crib together. She has always told me like it is and I am greatful. Though life tosses us curves once and awhile I wanted her to this blog...that I am proud of her and all she has done! (and thanks for always telling me the truth, still think I am the ugly duckling of the 3)

The burn is on...wait that sounds to find out more

Went to the gym today and lifted. The guy I work out with is tough. He should be a drill sgt. in a good way. He sure knows how to push me. I am glad I got to work my upper body as that is my weakest link, but man after awhile I could feel the burn. I am sure I will feel it tomorrow. Hey does anyone know what we are doing in Firefighter class tonight? Sure hope it doesn't require any lifting:P

Also did 25 minutes on the eclipse so actually feeling good. Tried some new soup...YUCK. I think I will go with what I make vs. what's in the can! So will do some grocery shopping at 3 and pick up a late snack. That is the good and bad about the radio station. We are just far enough from the fast food stops, but just to far to make a quick food run!

Thanks goes out to my sister Kathy for her "you can do this" and to Leah...hey got to look good on the beach for your big "I DO".

Catch up later...its MARKET TIME

Monday, March 17, 2008

Clothes/busy weekend

Is it possible to have clothes fit a bit different after only 2 weeks at the gym? I sure hope so! KEEP IT UP!! I know, I know I can hear you yelling at me:)

We had the statewide EMS conference this weekend. Man was it busy & fun. Some awesome speakers that filled my head with more EMS information than I thought it could hold! We had classes on everything from Suicides to cardiac emergencies, to how to deal with the elderly on an ambulance call. It was AWESOME. Believe it or not it was a stress free weekend. It was so nice to be able to walk away from work and not worry about it. That doesn't happen very often.

On Saturday night the banquet was held and we remembered Randy Potter, a fellow firefighter & EMT from Rising City. I was honored to light the candle in his memory. In all 9 fellow firefighter/EMT/law enforcement were remembered. He was a hell of a firefighter and EMT. It was an honor to know him and I still consider him my mentor. Its hard to believe that its been almost a year since I heard him laugh and give me crap. There was a lot of crap flying when we all worked on the building of our new fire station! a call better run...

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


So I am trying to be more watchful shall we say of what I eat. If its between meals I have been drinking water with flavor packets. My favorite is "Power Edge" Wild Berry. Its sugar free, with 5 calories, 0% fat, 35mg potassium, 100% of Vit C, B6, B12, Niacin...and it tastes good:)

The hard part is when I get that phone call that says, "hey lets go for lunch". I have been saying no and that I have to be at the Y. Let me re-state that, I WANT to be at the Y.

I saw this cute dress and I think if I can tone up more it will be in my closet!

Mike is going to get Morgan from dance tonight. So the boys and I are headed home early and Bryan asked if we could grill tonight. It has been so nice the last couple of days I am SO ready for spring!

Going to get shelf paper for the lazy michael. We don't call them Lazy Susan's in our house! As I rearranged the tupperware and other storage containers and tossed a lot at the same time. Spring has sprung and so has getting ready for 1st Communion!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Thanks Kathy for your help...hope it works:)


So hit the gym yesterday and had a blast! First it's fun to have someone to work out with, knowing you CAN'T back out of your workout. Did 2.8 miles on the eclipse burned 245 calories in 30 minutes. Back at it today.

My goal is to work out at the YMCA 5 days a week, until Feed the Farmer starts. Then I am on the road on Friday's for the station. I CAN DO THIS:)

So work continues as we get ready for Bryan's 1st Communion. He is SO excited that everyone is going to be there. He is SO excited that family will be there and all his Godparents will be there to share in his special day. It seems to dominate our talk lately. It is a big day and I am glad he is so excited. His suit arrived last week and we got his new shoes. He looks so handsome.

I am excited that we will have some nice weather the next couple of days. Its getting me excited to plant some flowers and start some yard work. We lost a lot of trees this winter so I am actually looking forward to cutting some wood and getting it all cleaned up. That in itself is a work out:)

more later...

Monday, March 10, 2008

Got to love your kids

So this weekend I had the goal of cleaning, which I did. What amazed me is the kids could hide so fast if I suggested helping me out:P Morgan actually cleaned her room so that helped. I did lots of squats as I cleaned out lower shelves and tossed all my "redneck tuperware". It is such a good feeling. I got a lot more to do but spring cleaning is in the air!

Today is the day I head to the Y with Leighton. I ran into him in the hall and he said that we are going to do circut training today. He believes that's the best way to get in shape. Ask me tomorrow how I am doing!

Did you happen to catch the Oprah show with Valerie Bertanelie (I know I spelled that wrong) It was a very moving show. She said so many things that it was almost as if she was talking only to me! I to have an image in my head of what I want to look like. Just have been afraid to say it outloud. Mike says he likes me the way I am, but I tease him that he is just being nice...

I am so ready for spring to be here and it sounds like a bit of a tease this week. BRING IT ON!

Well better get back in the news more later

Friday, March 7, 2008

The burning of the old bar in Surprise after the tornado of September 15, 2006. We burned it that winter and 6 months and a day after it was damaged a new bar opened in its place!!

Just found this picture of me from a house fire...don't I look funny

Sit ups...a form of torture!

So I was working out last night and decided that sit ups could be used as a form of torture. There has to be a better, and I have to admit, easier way of doing them. I am sore this morning and see those pieces of equipment online and wonder if they really work.

This weekend we should see the 40's so I am kicking the kids and the laundry outside. I figure lugging laundry baskets full of wet clothes back and forth will be a workout in itself. I think my dirty clothes pile doubled over night & I haven't seen the kids hampers yet! This weekend starts the massive cleaning for Bryan's 1st Communion. That is April 6th and starting tomorrow it's massive cleaning. I remember reading some place that cleaning house burns a lot of calories AND you shed some weight in the house by tossing stuff:)

I have my list and a BIG BLACK MARKER to cross stuff off. I think that's half the fun:) Watch out I have garbage bags in hand (ha ha)

Well off to get some news done...


Thursday, March 6, 2008


Yep, that's me! Kathy asked me about goals...mmm to fit into clothes 2-3 sizes smaller. Okay REALITY about just a happier me? Can I have both?
IF I can attain my goal, I want to go have my nails & toes done? Sound good? Maybe a spa day.


Okay KATHY!!!!! Sometimes a bit of guilt from a little sister can get you back on the blog writing. Life has been SO busy, I know NO EXCUSES. So the last two days have been gym flops. I was going to go at noon on Monday, but ended up with a meeting. I don't even know what happened to Tuesday and yesterday I was on the road for the station. I set my DVR to record some exercise shows and hope to actually hit PLAY tonight.

I look at myself and I think YUCK. I think we all have this goal of a "perfect" body and its not going to happen for me. When your OBGYN says, "don't ever expect a flat stomach after 3 c-sections and two other surgeries" it brings you down.

I have started to write what I eat all day, and I sure didn't eat much yesterday.


I have brought with me yogurt and one of my favorite snacks "south beach living" Granola clusters, cherry almond. Only 130 calories and it takes me about 30 minutes to eat it. Its not like other granola as you have to really work to chew it. It does make me feel full.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

I think I can do this...

So thanks to my sister Kathy I have created a blog to talk about ME...okay not really about me, but my journey to a better me. As a volunteer firefighter/EMT I want to better myself. So I have taken the first step and got a trainer and will start at week.

Okay I am not putting it off, I am in Nashville this week for a convention and have averaged about 16,000 steps a day. So I figure its a good start.

I hope to have my cheerleaders pushing me on and look forward to a shopping trip for smaller clothes!