I ran into an old college friend that I haven't seen since the mid 90's and her first comment to me is, "So, what have you done with your life?" Now if that isn't a bullet type of question.
I talked about getting the chance to speak for the greatest sector of America and that was agriculture. The look on her face said it all...she thought I was nuts. As we talked it seemed that, even though she went to an ag based college, she didn't study ag and really didn't understand where her food came from. I took the opportunity to take food prices, livestock care and of course the price of gas. It turned out to be a great conversation for both of us.
I talked about getting the chance to speak for the greatest sector of America and that was agriculture. The look on her face said it all...she thought I was nuts. As we talked it seemed that, even though she went to an ag based college, she didn't study ag and really didn't understand where her food came from. I took the opportunity to take food prices, livestock care and of course the price of gas. It turned out to be a great conversation for both of us.
How often do we stop and think of what we do on a daily basis and how it effects more than our nearby friends and family? My hats off to you the producer who this year has dealt with more than your share of frustrations. You do what you do because on most days you love it. Feeding the world, one farmer at a time.
During our conversation Beth asked me about family. I have shared with you a picture that was taken during our daughter Morgan's Kindergarten Graduation in May. See besides working in radio, my family is my biggest accomplishment. I have 3 kids who understand that the 4-H chickens they are raising will be headed to someone's table on July 15. They know the feed that is given to their livestock was grown by a neighbor and they understand that for every new life, there is death but that is all part of the cirlce of life we live in. They make me so proud and I can't wait till July 9 and the start of the Platte County Fair to see my two oldest show their projects with such pride that I can say...YES talking about what an ag producer does everyday and seeing it through my kids eyes is all worth it...
Shit. I haven't done shit with my life other than have a child. :)
BS...you have done a lot Leah!
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