Wednesday, June 18, 2008

If you can...please help out...

As many of you know Paul McKellips is a true friend and has a dream that far out reaches anyone's grasp on what really happens in Iraq. Please take some time to check out the website listed below and the spot on youtube.

Paul has always had the forsite to take a dream and turn it into reality. He is a strong example for so many, including myself. I think of his work with those in Iraq, his desire to increase the wealth of the smallest ag operation in Iraq. Even on his return to the states, Paul has been a shining star that should not be overlooked...

********Please read Paul's email...I feel very strong the need to share this letter with you:
To my dear farm broadcasting friends:

Last Saturday, our new charity ( presented our first college scholarship to "Diana." Diana is the 3-year old daughter of Staff Sgt. Daniel Wagoner who was killed in Iraq. I worked with Daniel in Iraq. He was an incredible young man.
Please watch Diana's Story and pass the link around.
We will NOT forget.

1 comment:

bslovewell said...

Susan, Susan, Susan...this 'comment' has absolutely nothing to do with the post which i am attaching it to- i just hadn't been here in quite awhile so i read your blogs for the past 6-8 weeks. You need to go back and re-read what you've written. It all started off so positive- you're pumped and excited, then leaning towards discouraged and finally completely you're giving up! So cliche' and yet so true...if at first you don't succeed, try, try again!!! I praise you for 'working to a better ME' but know that the YOU the rest of the world sees is a fabulous person with a huge heart, a smile that will brighten any room, a willingness to always give of herself with no expectations in return, and above all, a BEAUTIFUL person, inside and out! I love you for who you are- my wonderful friend!!!