Thursday, March 6, 2008


Okay KATHY!!!!! Sometimes a bit of guilt from a little sister can get you back on the blog writing. Life has been SO busy, I know NO EXCUSES. So the last two days have been gym flops. I was going to go at noon on Monday, but ended up with a meeting. I don't even know what happened to Tuesday and yesterday I was on the road for the station. I set my DVR to record some exercise shows and hope to actually hit PLAY tonight.

I look at myself and I think YUCK. I think we all have this goal of a "perfect" body and its not going to happen for me. When your OBGYN says, "don't ever expect a flat stomach after 3 c-sections and two other surgeries" it brings you down.

I have started to write what I eat all day, and I sure didn't eat much yesterday.


I have brought with me yogurt and one of my favorite snacks "south beach living" Granola clusters, cherry almond. Only 130 calories and it takes me about 30 minutes to eat it. Its not like other granola as you have to really work to chew it. It does make me feel full.


Kath- said...

Sue you can do it I promise. I know it is hard cause I have those days to where I struggle. I didn't make it to the gym yesterday but decided to workout on our machines here at home. I started to drink protein shakes for breakfast and two other times during the day.

I am proud of you and know you can do this. What can I do to motivate you? Lets set a goal okay?

Kath- said...

Here is the website to the products I am using AMAZING!!!!! Check it out