Monday, March 24, 2008

Withheld temptation

It could have feen SO easy to dive into the kids baskets this weekend, but I didn't. As my daugher would say, "YEA ME!" I actually ate real well this weekend. I have started to watch this program on TLC "I can make you thin" I have already picked up some great tips! With his "4 Golden Rules" This includes eating when your hungry, eating what you want, putting the fork down between bites and chewing like your a "Snooty" Frenchman and finally when your full STOP EATING. All he said are cues to your body while eating. Paul also suggested eating one meal with your eyes closed and listening to your body when its full. To step away from the "clean plate" society. I remember being told to clean your plate or else...

I found this on the front page (listed below in black). I am willing to give it a try. Heck what to I have to loose? Of course WEIGHT!!!

This system is so simple you will probably find it difficult at first to believe that it could work. That’s because you have been tricked by diets to believe that weight loss is difficult.
Some of what I am about to say will fly in the face of what you’ve done in the past and what you think is ‘right.’ You’ve tried other methods of weight loss and they didn’t work or they only worked temporarily.

It’s time to do something radically different. The exact same approach that I am about to share with you has helped thousands and thousands of people to lose weight easily and feel significantly better about themselves. Now it’s your turn. Research shows that dieting only works for 9% of people. Two independent studies have showed that my system has a success rate of over 70%.

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