Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas Day

If anyone heard me on the air Wednesday must have thought, "girl go home and get some rest!" I tried to do that...but Ewe number 0001 decided to have her lamb, which made me miss church and THEN she didn't lamb till after 9 anyways. With a bit of help from me she had a 15# ram lamb. He looks 2 weeks old. Needless to say it was a nice Christmas present.

Christmas Day was spent doing stuff for me. I slept and Lilly (the dog) was happy because she got the foot of the bed and Tigger (the cat) got Mike's pillow! I went last night to Dave and Sonya's for an OUTSTANDING steak fry! It was a lot of fun and thanks again for inviting me.

A friend of mine sent me this picture and I felt the need to share it with you. Though today it got to 54 I just love this picture. It's from a Christmas card in the UK. Would love to have that picture as a print for Mike.
Well I am on the air on KZ-100. Better head back to the studio. This weekend, since the kids are not home...I am cleaning-including going through dresser's and pulling out small clothes.
Have a great weekend:)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

A must watch!

Stop on this Christmas Eve to watch this video...

Merry Christmas to all

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Ten Commandments: Minnesota Style

1. Der's only one God, ya know.
2. Don't make that fish on your mantle an idol.
3. Cussing ain't Minnesota nice.
4. Go to church even when you're up nort.
5. Honor your folks.
6. Don't kill. Catch and release.
7. There is only one Lena for every Ole. No cheatin'.
8. If it ain't your lutefisk, don't take it.
9. Don't be braggin' about how much snow ya shoveled.
10. Keep your mind off your neighbor's hotdish.

Saw this on a t-shirt at the Mpls airport...thought about getting one. Thanks Larry for sharing it with me:)



I couldn't think of a better title...FRIENDS! I have some wonderful ones out there. First to Leah and Tom CONGRATS. Good job Tom and catching her off guard with the wedding proposal:) Leah I could tell by your typing this morning you are VERY excited, as you should be. He is a catch and I love how he treats you like a queen, while still letting you do the things you need to do.

Renee, thanks for picking me up at the airport yesterday. It was the adventure coming home when the snow started to blow, but at least we had ICE CREAM. To my sister-in-law, Karalyn thank you for bringing me to the airport, you are an awesome SIL. Have fun with the rugrats.

Malcom, Brenda & Sarah, thank you for the wonderful gifts for the kids, I know they had fun while you were there. I was glad to get to spend some time with you on Sunday. Malcom...Paul told me he will not toss the ball in the house again. GOOD JOB!

Now to Dave, words can not express what you did yesterday. THANK YOU! Let me explain. I got home to find no water in the house. I called Mike and he told me how to fix it. When I called Dave to let him know I was home and thanks for his help doing chores this weekend, I told him we had a new lamb and NO water. He came right over and helped. I owe you a beer or two! I am working late all week and Dave offered to check on the sheep and water etc in the daylight so I don't have to try to do chores in the dark. That's what I love about our community. Everyone jumps in to help whenever needed.

Mike & the kids are in Wisconsin till the 31st. It was a fast weekend for me, but I am so glad I got to go back. Kids, if your reading this, don't wear your Grandpa down. He needs his rest. This year was all about tradition for my Mother-in-Law and I was fine with that. Can't wait to see the family pictures. A lot of great memories were made this weekend.

As for me home at Christmas, I will be fine. I have 9 Christmas movies from the Hallmark Channel to catch up on and a big pot of split pea soup to eat...all to myself!! (okay no one in my family likes it)

If I don't write before Christmas...the cards ARE ready to go out and I wish you all a Very MERRY CHRISTMAS...


Tuesday, December 9, 2008


Okay I am not sure what has happend to the month of November let alone it be the 9th of December! I was in KC for our National Association of Farm Broadcasting convention in Mid November. I received an award for my story on Ethanol and saving the consumer money at the pump and also 1st place for my market cast. That was a shock and I was proud that I could deliver top notch markets to the producers who need them on an hourly basis.

We went back to Wisconsin for deer hunting and Thanksgiving. I am waiting for Danny to send me pics of Mike's big buck. When I get them I will post them for all to see. We had a nice time at home and had a chance to catch up. The picture I have posted is of Al Murray. He is the Chief Enginer at WRFW and a mentor and true friend. WRFW celebrated their 40th anniversary and I went back for the party. The other pic is the crew of "stick it to ya" okay back in college we all had different radio shows and this one sure was unique. Can I say that Mark, Dave and Neal? So many of us in that show and the bits we did. Dave has it on CD and soon you will find it in the bin at Kmart:P Actually it was so nice to get back and see where it all started. I mean this is where I did markets for the first time, ag news and found my love of radio.

Until we chat again...I PROMISE it won't be as long as before...hope you have fun getting ready for this Christmas Season.
